Ministry Insights
With Tim Garrison & Friends
October 22, 2018
Welcome to the October 2018 issue of "Ministry Insights with Tim Garrison & Friends." This month, it is my honor and pleasure to welcome Pastor Mike Moran, Pastor at the Congregational Church of Eastford, in Eastford, CT. Thank you Pastor Mike for your thoughts and your insight on doing ministry in the world today!
Enjoy this month's article all! A very special Thank You again to Pastor Mike for allowing us to re-post his thoughts for month's feature article!
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Today is a reflection day.
As I looked back over recent readings, I checked out the passages of the text that I have underlined... and this popped out at me:
Behold, a king will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule in justice.
Each will be like a hiding place from the wind, a shelter from the storm,
like streams of water in a dry place like the shade of a great rock in a weary land. (Isaiah 32:1-2)
Set in the context of the rest of Isaiah 32, these words must be about the Kingdom to come, the one we pray for in the Lord's prayer. And if so, then the "princes" that rule with the righteous king (Jesus) must be the redeemed in Jesus. What an amazing image, with people as hiding places from the wind, shelters from the storm, streams of water, and shade of a great rock! Now, imagine living among the world today as Christians and being such people. You and I can be hiding places and shelters from the storms of life. You and I can be like streams of sweet water for parched lives. We can bring shade and rest to the tired people around us.
Pretty wonderful, isn't it? I say let's pray and step into our role as peace makers!
In Him, Mike
Enjoy this month's article all! A very special Thank You again to Pastor Mike for allowing us to re-post his thoughts for month's feature article!
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Today is a reflection day.
As I looked back over recent readings, I checked out the passages of the text that I have underlined... and this popped out at me:
Behold, a king will reign in righteousness, and princes will rule in justice.
Each will be like a hiding place from the wind, a shelter from the storm,
like streams of water in a dry place like the shade of a great rock in a weary land. (Isaiah 32:1-2)
Set in the context of the rest of Isaiah 32, these words must be about the Kingdom to come, the one we pray for in the Lord's prayer. And if so, then the "princes" that rule with the righteous king (Jesus) must be the redeemed in Jesus. What an amazing image, with people as hiding places from the wind, shelters from the storm, streams of water, and shade of a great rock! Now, imagine living among the world today as Christians and being such people. You and I can be hiding places and shelters from the storms of life. You and I can be like streams of sweet water for parched lives. We can bring shade and rest to the tired people around us.
Pretty wonderful, isn't it? I say let's pray and step into our role as peace makers!
In Him, Mike
June 4, 2017
Welcome to the June issue of "Ministry Insights with Tim Garrison & Friends." This month, it is my honor and pleasure to welcome Bill and Karen Itzel and their family ministry, The Itzels. I met Bill and his family quite a few years ago at Camp Spofford, in New Hampshire, when they were performing a Saturday evening camp concert. I was just getting started in my commitment to songwriting and worship ministry. Bill, and his family, have had a big impact on me and how I approach ministry and serving God through music. Thank you Bill for your thoughts, your answers to my questions along the way and thank you to your entire family for your commitment to Christ through music ministry! Enjoy this month's article all! A very special Thank You to Bill for writing this month's feature article!
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God has blessed me and my family with the wonderful opportunity and responsibility that accompanies it, to lead believers in worship to Him, encourage the church, and give the gospel to the lost. We have taken that responsibility seriously for the last 27 years, and through careful study of God’s Word, church history, systematic theology, and fine-tuning our musical craft, we have developed a ministry that not only is full of Biblical truth, but has endured the test of time.
The Itzels consist of myself (Bill), my wife, Karen, and our 4 children: Jessica and Ryan, who travel with us on a limited basis as they are now involved in their own ministries, Shannon and Siri.
A lot of Christian bands and singers have come and gone, but even after 55 recordings, 350 original songs, and over 3200 concerts, we still feel that this is where the Lord has led us and continues to use us for His glory alone. God has led us to many different types of churches (size, denominations, geographical locations), but our message is the same. We focus on the "first tier" theological concepts and although we may differ in belief with some churches on secondary issues, they never stand in the way of us presenting the gospel and edifying believers in the faith.
We have designed our ministry to supplement the work of the local church. An Itzels' concert includes original music, modern and traditional hymns and worship songs, an emphasis on family relationships, and teaching of the Word. This is not a stepping stone to us…we love the local church. It is, along with the family, the God-ordained unit to build strong communities and strong countries and be His ambassadors on the earth.
I have been blessed with number-one songs, ”Saved To The Uttermost" and "He's Still In The Fire" with the Speer Family, appearances on the Bill Gaither videos, 2 Grammy and 2 Dove award nominations, and headlining concerts for over 40,000 people, but to me, there is no greater thrill than hearing the voices of God's people lifting musical praise to their sovereign Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
In 2012, we formed the non-profit ministry “Bill and Karen Itzel Ministries Inc.” for the specific purpose of spreading the gospel through biblically based songs and mission outreaches.
While we have no real answer as to what style we consider ourselves (contemporary, country, rock, gospel, traditional), we always strive to be balanced and blended musically, with the emphasis on the lyrics and message of the songs.
Just this past January, God added a new ministry to my life. I am now the Worship Pastor at Mt. Airy Bible Church in Mt. Airy, MD. This allows me to not only pour into the lives of people in hundreds of churches a year, but also pour into the lives of hundreds of people in one church throughout the year.
Please pray for our ministry, that we will be strong, safe, healthy, and wise in our ministry and that God will continue to be honored and glorified in all we say and do.
For more information, go to or email me at [email protected].
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God has blessed me and my family with the wonderful opportunity and responsibility that accompanies it, to lead believers in worship to Him, encourage the church, and give the gospel to the lost. We have taken that responsibility seriously for the last 27 years, and through careful study of God’s Word, church history, systematic theology, and fine-tuning our musical craft, we have developed a ministry that not only is full of Biblical truth, but has endured the test of time.
The Itzels consist of myself (Bill), my wife, Karen, and our 4 children: Jessica and Ryan, who travel with us on a limited basis as they are now involved in their own ministries, Shannon and Siri.
A lot of Christian bands and singers have come and gone, but even after 55 recordings, 350 original songs, and over 3200 concerts, we still feel that this is where the Lord has led us and continues to use us for His glory alone. God has led us to many different types of churches (size, denominations, geographical locations), but our message is the same. We focus on the "first tier" theological concepts and although we may differ in belief with some churches on secondary issues, they never stand in the way of us presenting the gospel and edifying believers in the faith.
We have designed our ministry to supplement the work of the local church. An Itzels' concert includes original music, modern and traditional hymns and worship songs, an emphasis on family relationships, and teaching of the Word. This is not a stepping stone to us…we love the local church. It is, along with the family, the God-ordained unit to build strong communities and strong countries and be His ambassadors on the earth.
I have been blessed with number-one songs, ”Saved To The Uttermost" and "He's Still In The Fire" with the Speer Family, appearances on the Bill Gaither videos, 2 Grammy and 2 Dove award nominations, and headlining concerts for over 40,000 people, but to me, there is no greater thrill than hearing the voices of God's people lifting musical praise to their sovereign Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
In 2012, we formed the non-profit ministry “Bill and Karen Itzel Ministries Inc.” for the specific purpose of spreading the gospel through biblically based songs and mission outreaches.
While we have no real answer as to what style we consider ourselves (contemporary, country, rock, gospel, traditional), we always strive to be balanced and blended musically, with the emphasis on the lyrics and message of the songs.
Just this past January, God added a new ministry to my life. I am now the Worship Pastor at Mt. Airy Bible Church in Mt. Airy, MD. This allows me to not only pour into the lives of people in hundreds of churches a year, but also pour into the lives of hundreds of people in one church throughout the year.
Please pray for our ministry, that we will be strong, safe, healthy, and wise in our ministry and that God will continue to be honored and glorified in all we say and do.
For more information, go to or email me at [email protected].
May 2, 2017
Welcome to the May issue of "Ministry Insights with Tim Garrison & Friends." We are very pleased and honored to introduce you to this month's special guest. A big Crankdown Christian Country Music welcome to Randy Finchum, Hunter Logan and as this month's special guest. HLE Radio ( is a large ministry based, non-profit Christian Country Radio Station out of Jennings, LA. One of the things you may often hear Hunter Logan say on air is that they are "a ministry first radio station" which makes them a perfect partner for our current article. This month's article is courtesy of HLE Radio publicist Randy Finchum. Randy is also an award winning songwriter, radio host and host of Nashville Night in and around Nashville, TN. You can also hear Randy as part of the weekly HLE Christian Country Countdown with Steve Roberson, Saturdays at Noon Central time on Thank you Randy, Hunter and HLERadio for your ministry hearts and your willingness to contribute to this month's article. May you continue to be blessed in your ministry work as you answer the call that God has given you!
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The “Planter” People
by Randy Finchum – [email protected]
Many times on the Ministry path, a feeling of unease can creep in on us. Whether it be in the pulpit, on the stage, or behind the radio microphone, the question of “am I really making a difference” has come into many a Minister’s mind and out as a breathy sigh as we exhaustingly glance toward the ceiling asking this of God after another low Sunday morning turnout, sparsely attended concert, or radio show with little or no people calling in. It’s enough to make one at times consider giving up ministry all together or, at the very least, deeply dampen our enthusiasm to the point where we are not much more than going through the motions with just a fraction of the passion we had at the beginning of our ministry journey.
We live in a world where quantity is king and quality is often secondary. In typical worldly fashion, we have been conditioned our entire lives to accept that a lack of numbers means a lack of results and, in turn, a lack of success. Jesus once told His disciples “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few”. Hear that? He said the “harvest” and what must come before harvesting? Planting seeds! That mighty oak tree you look up at and admire was once a tiny little seed. A seed planted by someone who didn’t get to see instant results from the very important work he did that day, but nonetheless essential, life-giving work.
You may not know it yet, but that sermon you just gave before a congregation of just a few, or that song of musical testimony you just sang to those three people who were listening to your musical performance, or that record you played at the end of your radio program may have all been life-changing “seeds” that you have just planted that will one day grow into something that changes the world. When we eat our food, we don’t usually give thought to the farmers, the planters, who planted those seeds that grew into the food we’re enjoying. But oh, where would we be without them? We would starve without the “planters”. The same is true spiritually.
Take heart my brothers and sisters; plant with joy whether it be to one or one thousand! Blessed are the “planter” people!
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The “Planter” People
by Randy Finchum – [email protected]
Many times on the Ministry path, a feeling of unease can creep in on us. Whether it be in the pulpit, on the stage, or behind the radio microphone, the question of “am I really making a difference” has come into many a Minister’s mind and out as a breathy sigh as we exhaustingly glance toward the ceiling asking this of God after another low Sunday morning turnout, sparsely attended concert, or radio show with little or no people calling in. It’s enough to make one at times consider giving up ministry all together or, at the very least, deeply dampen our enthusiasm to the point where we are not much more than going through the motions with just a fraction of the passion we had at the beginning of our ministry journey.
We live in a world where quantity is king and quality is often secondary. In typical worldly fashion, we have been conditioned our entire lives to accept that a lack of numbers means a lack of results and, in turn, a lack of success. Jesus once told His disciples “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few”. Hear that? He said the “harvest” and what must come before harvesting? Planting seeds! That mighty oak tree you look up at and admire was once a tiny little seed. A seed planted by someone who didn’t get to see instant results from the very important work he did that day, but nonetheless essential, life-giving work.
You may not know it yet, but that sermon you just gave before a congregation of just a few, or that song of musical testimony you just sang to those three people who were listening to your musical performance, or that record you played at the end of your radio program may have all been life-changing “seeds” that you have just planted that will one day grow into something that changes the world. When we eat our food, we don’t usually give thought to the farmers, the planters, who planted those seeds that grew into the food we’re enjoying. But oh, where would we be without them? We would starve without the “planters”. The same is true spiritually.
Take heart my brothers and sisters; plant with joy whether it be to one or one thousand! Blessed are the “planter” people!
April 1, 2017
Welcome to the April issue of "Ministry Insights with Tim Garrison & Friends." We are honored and excited to introduce April's special guest, The Positive Cowboy, Jim Sheldon. Jim has a heart for the Lord and shares the gospel message through his music. You can find The Positive Cowboy out of the road touring and ministering through his ministry, Jim Sheldon Music, as well as with the "Bev McCann and Friends" ministry. Jim is also a member of The Music City Quartet and you can find Jim on The Music City Show which can be seen on RFDTV as well as other outlets. Thank you Jim for your insights, your love of Jesus and your willingness to write this month's article. Visit The Positive Cowboy, Jim Sheldon on line at and His newest release and video, "Old School" is also linked below this article. Thank you again Jim!
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Many times we get caught up with trying to do great things for God. He will bless faithful service by winning lost people to Christ. He blesses whatever we willingly give to Him.
25 years ago, I totally surrendered my entire life to Jesus Christ. I sacrificed, trained and took advantage of every opportunity to singing gospel music. Always seeking to stretch and grow the abilities God has given me. A lot of frustration, disappointment and many times, wanting to quit where included.
Then over 6 years ago, I realized I was trying to do all this for God. That’s why the failures happened. Then God helped me understand; that God’s not about what we accomplish for Him. He wants the most intimate relationship, this side of Heaven, with us!
So, I took my hands off my life, my ministry and all my pursuits and turned it totally over to Jesus Christ! From that point on God’s been the driving force through the greater opportunities that have come.
“In everything you do put God first, He will direct and crown your efforts with Success.” Proverbs 3:6 (Living Bible Paraphrase)
Putting God First Ministry is not just a title or slogan. It’s my life’s work!
So, “Choose God’s Path”, He will guide & bless your efforts.
I pray God will Direct & Crown the Efforts of all my Fellow Servants of Jesus Christ!
Jim Sheldon/ The Positive Cowboy
Putting God First Ministry
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Many times we get caught up with trying to do great things for God. He will bless faithful service by winning lost people to Christ. He blesses whatever we willingly give to Him.
25 years ago, I totally surrendered my entire life to Jesus Christ. I sacrificed, trained and took advantage of every opportunity to singing gospel music. Always seeking to stretch and grow the abilities God has given me. A lot of frustration, disappointment and many times, wanting to quit where included.
Then over 6 years ago, I realized I was trying to do all this for God. That’s why the failures happened. Then God helped me understand; that God’s not about what we accomplish for Him. He wants the most intimate relationship, this side of Heaven, with us!
So, I took my hands off my life, my ministry and all my pursuits and turned it totally over to Jesus Christ! From that point on God’s been the driving force through the greater opportunities that have come.
“In everything you do put God first, He will direct and crown your efforts with Success.” Proverbs 3:6 (Living Bible Paraphrase)
Putting God First Ministry is not just a title or slogan. It’s my life’s work!
So, “Choose God’s Path”, He will guide & bless your efforts.
I pray God will Direct & Crown the Efforts of all my Fellow Servants of Jesus Christ!
Jim Sheldon/ The Positive Cowboy
Putting God First Ministry
March 1, 2017
Welcome to the March issue of "Ministry Insights with Tim Garrison & Friends." We are very honored and excited to introduce this month's special guest, Tommy Brandt. Tommy is a multi-award winning artist, singer and music evangelist. Tommy is the 2016 CCMA/ICM Entertainer of the Year and the 2016 AMG Heritage Awards Mainstream Artist of the Year, just to name a few of Tommy's accomplishments. Tommy tours with his family spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and is a faithful servant, heading out on the road wherever the Lord leads. Thank you Tommy for your insights, your servant heart and your willingness to write this month's article. Visit Tommy on line at and
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“Oh the life of a Minister; You never have to work an ‘eight to five’ or punch a clock. No more manual labor. It’s like you’re on full time vacation” they say. I’d like for them to follow me around one day when I’m not on the platform ministering!
After fifteen years of full time road ministry I’ve learned to just laugh it off when folks think that all of us ministers are cruising on Easy Street. The truth is, without relying on my faith I would have taken a detour back to the Blue-Collar Highway years ago. God didn’t say it would be easy to minister for Him, as a matter of fact, he said that we’d be held to a higher standard. (James 3:1) The trials and attacks that come our way daily, mostly from Christians it seems, tests our faith to the fullest. The devil doesn’t like the work we’re doing so he will intervene every chance he gets, and will usually use the ones closest to us to do it.
I encourage you today to continue to increase your faith by the hearing of God’s word. Just because you’ve read, studied and planned for your sermon on Sunday doesn’t mean that you’ve meditated on the word. Slow down a little in your studies to truly hear from God through His word. Don’t get too busy in the ministry to be ministered to.
“No Fear, No Compromise, No Quit”
Tommy Brandt
Cowboy Outreach America, Inc
PO Box 3835
Sebring, FL 33871
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“Oh the life of a Minister; You never have to work an ‘eight to five’ or punch a clock. No more manual labor. It’s like you’re on full time vacation” they say. I’d like for them to follow me around one day when I’m not on the platform ministering!
After fifteen years of full time road ministry I’ve learned to just laugh it off when folks think that all of us ministers are cruising on Easy Street. The truth is, without relying on my faith I would have taken a detour back to the Blue-Collar Highway years ago. God didn’t say it would be easy to minister for Him, as a matter of fact, he said that we’d be held to a higher standard. (James 3:1) The trials and attacks that come our way daily, mostly from Christians it seems, tests our faith to the fullest. The devil doesn’t like the work we’re doing so he will intervene every chance he gets, and will usually use the ones closest to us to do it.
I encourage you today to continue to increase your faith by the hearing of God’s word. Just because you’ve read, studied and planned for your sermon on Sunday doesn’t mean that you’ve meditated on the word. Slow down a little in your studies to truly hear from God through His word. Don’t get too busy in the ministry to be ministered to.
“No Fear, No Compromise, No Quit”
Tommy Brandt
Cowboy Outreach America, Inc
PO Box 3835
Sebring, FL 33871
February 12, 2017...
Welcome to "Ministry Insights with Tim Garrison & Friends." Ministry Insights w/Tim Garrison & Friends is a feature that offers thoughts, comments, videos and insights from musicians, pastors, ministry folks and more. The goal of these little postings is to encourage and equip all of us, who are involved in ministry or possibly considering serving in a ministry of any kind. We all can benefit from other's experiences whether it is on the national or local ministry level.
For our initial posting, I thought I would highlight a couple of verses and follow that up with an original song that underscores today's point. While I have served in local churches since I was 15 or so, I realize that I can never stop learning about "how to do ministry." I know I need to press into God on a daily basis and keep looking to His leading and equipping for every aspect of ministry that He places before me. Whether I am serving in the Men's Ministry group at my church, on the worship team, or going out into the world with Tim Garrison Music and/or The Connecticut Christian Songwriters; I know that God provides all of my needs and He will equip me for the work that He has planned for me to do.
As I seek to minister to others, I often wonder, what is my next step. Worry can set in. Am I skilled or prepared enough to do this God? How will this all work out? Then I am reminded of two verses in Ephesians 4.
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me" - Ephesians 4:13 (NASB)
"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." - Ephesians 4:19 (NASB)
So, let us rely on God. Let us trust in His equipping and let us believe that the only thing we really need is Him. He will provide everything else for us and for our needs. Trust that God is your ultimate need and will not let you down as you engage in ministry for His purposes.
As I realize that God sets me free to engage in ministry, I thought I would share an original song that I co-wrote with two friends, Brian Carpenter and Leland Mitchell. We were all chatting on Facebook one day and this song came to life after we worked on it for a while. Enjoy the song and walk with Jesus every day!
- Tim Garrison
For our initial posting, I thought I would highlight a couple of verses and follow that up with an original song that underscores today's point. While I have served in local churches since I was 15 or so, I realize that I can never stop learning about "how to do ministry." I know I need to press into God on a daily basis and keep looking to His leading and equipping for every aspect of ministry that He places before me. Whether I am serving in the Men's Ministry group at my church, on the worship team, or going out into the world with Tim Garrison Music and/or The Connecticut Christian Songwriters; I know that God provides all of my needs and He will equip me for the work that He has planned for me to do.
As I seek to minister to others, I often wonder, what is my next step. Worry can set in. Am I skilled or prepared enough to do this God? How will this all work out? Then I am reminded of two verses in Ephesians 4.
"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me" - Ephesians 4:13 (NASB)
"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." - Ephesians 4:19 (NASB)
So, let us rely on God. Let us trust in His equipping and let us believe that the only thing we really need is Him. He will provide everything else for us and for our needs. Trust that God is your ultimate need and will not let you down as you engage in ministry for His purposes.
As I realize that God sets me free to engage in ministry, I thought I would share an original song that I co-wrote with two friends, Brian Carpenter and Leland Mitchell. We were all chatting on Facebook one day and this song came to life after we worked on it for a while. Enjoy the song and walk with Jesus every day!
- Tim Garrison
"The One That Set Me Free" - ©2016 Brian Carpenter, Leland Mitchell & Tim Garrison
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